Revolutionary surgical techniques for transgender people

Doctora Brasó
Mastopexia cutánea ultrasónica, antes y después

Sex reassignment surgeries for transgender people go far beyond vaginoplasty, metaidoioplasty, or phalloplasty. These interventions aimed at changing a person’s birth sex to that which corresponds to their gender identity must be understood from a much broader point of view.

Medical advances have facilitated surgical techniques that allow a change in the general appearance of the patient, surgeries that involve much more than the creation of a vagina or a penis. In this way, the transgender patient can opt for different interventions that will help him to progressively change his body appearance depending on his needs, his choice and his budget.

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Medical advances have facilitated surgical techniques that allow a change in the general appearance of the patient, surgeries that involve much more than the creation of a vagina or a penis.

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At Dra Brasó’s clinic we developed a revolutionary method in this type of surgery known as high definition liposculpture with Vaser Lipo.

Mastopexia cutánea ultrasónica, antes y después

State-of-the-art technology for masculinization and feminization of the body and face

In the field of gender surgeries, Dr. Cristina Brasó, a specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, highlights techniques such as facial or body feminization for female transgender people, or body masculinization or mastectomy for male transgender people. .

Specifically, at Dra Brasó’s clinic we developed a revolutionary method in this type of surgery known as high-definition liposculpture with Vaser Lipo. “This technique not only extracts fat, but also allows all muscle structures to be remodeled in detail. A much more athletic muscle definition is achieved in transgender men, while in trans women the body is reshaped to smooth and enhance feminine curves. You can get a buttock or breast augmentation with your own adipose tissue, without the need for implants” explains Dr. Brasó.

One of the most innovative and exclusive liposculpture techniques of the Dra. Brasó Clinic is the ultrasound mastectomy through which the excess localized fat of the thorax is absorbed. Dr. Cristina Brasó is the only one in Spain that performs this liposculpture technique that, applying basic and microgroup knowledge and technology, performs an extraction of the breasts from a minimal scar in the areola. With this, the result is much more optimal without visible scars. In addition, you can masculinize the pectoral using fat from another part of the body to be able to voluminize it and take on a much more athletic and masculine chest appearance.

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At Dra Brasó’s clinic we developed a revolutionary method in this type of surgery known as high definition liposculpture with Vaser Lipo.


The most frequently asked questions by transgender patients when undergoing this type of intervention.

The vast majority of patients who come to the consultation to find out about the surgeries, usually take some time with hormonal treatment, although not all of them. In one way or another, it is always advisable to stop the treatment up to 3 weeks before the intervention and for one week afterwards to prevent testosterone from increasing the risk of post-surgical bleeding. “In any case, the decision to undergo surgery is independent of whether they take hormones or not, since this does not influence the result.” explains Dr. Brasó.

On the other hand, another of the frequent concerns of patients is the state of the scars. If we focus on mastectomies, one of the most demanded surgeries, we can differentiate two types: the subcutaneous one for which the scar is practically invisible, and the classic one, the one that is performed when the breasts are very large and voluminous. In this case, the scar is quite visible in the lower pectoral area. To hide it and make it more hidden under the pectoral muscle, it is recommended to masculinize the thorax, or muscle plus the thoracic area. However, it will always depend on the genetics of each patient.

When a transgender person has made the decision to change her body, a recurring question is the price of the intervention. The classic or subcutaneous mastectomy is usually around €6,000. From here, the other surgeries depend on the intervened areas and if several areas are intervened at the same time.

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With this technology, bleeding is much less and the intensity of postoperative pain decreases by up to 90% during the acute phase of the first week.

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“In any case, the decision to undergo surgery is independent of whether they take hormones or not, since this does not influence the result.”
