What is the best size for a breast augmentation?

Doctora Brasó
Antes y después mamoplastia de aumento

When choosing the best size for a breast augmentation, it will depend on the anatomy of each person since we always seek to find harmony with the rest of the body and, of course, that the result is natural.

When patients ask us for advice, we always recommend looking for a breast augmentation with the most natural result possible and, colloquially speaking, it is usually between a size 90 and 95 breast size, which is the size chosen by 90% of people .

In heavier women, the most suitable breast augmentation size is usually between 95 and 100, while in thinner women the size is more towards 90. In any case, there are always women who want more exuberance and others who prefer an increase discreet chest, so we always seek harmony between the wishes of the patient and the advice of the plastic surgeon.

Breast augmentation. How are asymmetries compensated?

It is very common for breast augmentation surgery to compensate for asymmetries in the breasts, which in some cases are mild and sometimes more severe.

The experience of the plastic surgeon will serve to assess the type of breast prosthesis to be used so that the asymmetry of the breasts is compensated. It may happen that in cases of severe asymmetries, different prostheses are used in each breast, one with a low profile and the second with a higher profile. In other words, not only will breast prostheses of different sizes be used, but sometimes they may have a different projection.